April 17, 2024
New Features
Following are the new features introduced in this release:
Ask AI -Updates
Enhanced Query Functionality:
Users can now send queries and receive responses related to datasets, enabling more comprehensive analysis and insights.
User Feedback:
Introducing thumbs up and down buttons to provide feedback on generated results, fostering interaction and facilitating algorithm refinement for more accurate responses.
Dataset Pinning:
New capability to pin datasets, enabling focused analysis. Pinning a dataset ensures that all subsequent Ask AI recipe runs are performed exclusively on the pinned dataset.
Syntax Assistance:
Added a Sample Syntax option in the Code tab, allowing users to easily copy sample syntax for datasets, charts, artifacts, and models, streamlining query creation and execution.
Improved Visualization:
Clicking on a dataset in the Inputs section now displays a separate card showcasing columns with their respective data types, enhancing data understanding and exploration.
Slash Options:
Type "/" in the query field to specify the desired output type, whether it's a dataset, chart, or text. Access prompt suggestions for streamlined query formulation and execution.
Project Job Runs Notifications:
Stay informed about the status of your project job runs with timely notifications. Receive updates on job progress and completion
EDA Information Updates:
Keep track of exploratory data analysis (EDA) information updates with notifications that alert you to changes in dataset insights and analysis results.
AI Summary Generation:
Receive notifications upon the generation of AI summaries, providing insights into model performance, key metrics, and recommendations. Stay informed about AI model evaluations and enhancements.
Snippet Generation Notifications:
Get notified when snippets are generated, providing quick access to code snippets and examples for streamlined development and analysis tasks. Enhance your productivity with instant access to relevant code snippets.
Environment Relaunches:
Stay informed about environment relaunches with notifications that alert you to changes in your development environment. Ensure seamless transitions and continuity in your workflow.
Last updated