Import DataApp
DataApps developed through ReactJS or Streamlit
If you have DataApps developed using popular frameworks like ReactJS and Streamlit, you can use the Import DataApp functionality to seamlessly integrate them into your project. To ensure a smooth integration, it’s important to select the correct DataApp type during the import process. If the wrong type is chosen, the DataApp may not function as expected.
Once your DataApp is successfully uploaded, the platform will automatically generate the relevant graphs and visualizations to enhance your user experience. Additionally, you can extend the functionality of your DataApp by integrating AskAI capabilities directly into the code. This allows you to query and analyze the data within your DataApp, providing a more interactive and dynamic experience.
This new functionality not only makes it easier to bring in DataApps from external sources, but it also gives you the power of AI-driven queries to unlock deeper insights from your data, creating a more customized and flexible experience.
Importing DataApps developed through ReactJS or Streamlit
Follow these steps to import DataApps developed using ReactJS or Streamlit:
Hover over the menu icon and select Projects.
Select the project for which you want to create DataApps and click the DataApps icon from the project-level navigation.
Click the plus icon and select Import DataApp. This opens the Configuration page.
Specify the following information:
DataApp Name: Enter the name of the DataApp.
DataApp Description: Provide a description for the DataApp.
Environment: Choose the desired environment for running the DataApp.
Choose Image: Upload an image to display on the DataApp card.
Click Upload and select a ZIP file containing your DataApp code. You can use sample ZIP files to test the import feature or get started quickly.
Select the DataApp Type (Streamlit or ReactJS) based on the framework using which the DataApp has been developed.
Select the Python version in which the Streamlit DataApp was developed. It supports only two versions of Python - 3.8 and 3.10
Add metadata details in JSON format (key-value pairs).
Click Create to complete the process. The DataApp will now appear as a card on the DataApps page, where you can open it to view the graphs or interact with the DataApp.
Editing a DataApp
Use this procedure to delete a DataApp.
To edit a DataApp:
Last updated