User roles and permissions
A role in the RapidCanvas platform defines the specific actions a user can perform and the features they can access. Roles are designed to ensure that users have the appropriate level of access based on their responsibilities and requirements. The platform provides six predefined roles: Admin, DataApp-View, User, DataApp Consumer, DataApp Power user, and Business User. Each role is configured with distinct permissions to streamline workflows, maintain security, and prevent unauthorized access.
Admin Admins have full read and write access to all modules and features across the RapidCanvas platform, providing complete control and management capabilities.
DataApp-View This role grants read-only access to DataApps, enabling users to view information without making any changes.
DataApp Power User This role is similar to the Admin role, allowing users to use all capabilities of DataApps. However, it does not provide access to other features of the platform. To learn more about the permissions available to DataApp Power Users, refer to the DataApp Power User Permissions table.
DataApp Consumer User Users with this role can only view DataApps and perform specific operations based on permissions set by Power Users or Admins in the Settings page of DataApps. To learn more about the permissions available to DataApp Consumer Users, refer to the DataApp Consumer User Permissions table.
User Users with this role have comprehensive read and write access to all platform features. However, they cannot invite new users or modify the details of existing users.
Business User Business users have read and write access to projects, DataApps, Rapid Model recipes, AI-assisted recipes, and connectors. However, they are restricted from creating, editing, or deleting scenarios, segments, and global variables. They are also unable to configure the timeout period for Rapid and AI-assisted recipes.
Each role has permission to perform the tasks mentioned in the table below.
View a project
Run a project
Create a project
Update or delete a project
View an entity
Create an entity
Update or delete an entity
Template Recipe
View a recipe
Create a recipe
Update or delete a recipe
AI-assisted Recipe
View a recipe
Create a recipe
Update or delete a recipe
Rapid Model Recipe
View a recipe
Create a recipe
Update or delete a recipe
View an environment
Create an environment
Update or delete an environment
Data connectors
View a dataconnector
Create a dataconnector
Update or delete a dataconnector
Can access the notebook editor
View a dataApp
Create a dataApp
Update or delete a dataApp
Artifacts and Models
View artifacts and models
Create artifacts and models
Update or delete artifacts and models
workspace Management
View workspaces
Create a workspace
Update or delete a workspace
User Invitation
View users
Invite users
Assign roles to users
Create a scenario
View scenarios
Run scenarios
Update or delete a scenario
Create a segment
View segments
Update or delete a segment
Granular Permissions for DataApp Power & Consumer Roles
This section outlines the detailed permissions available for DataApp Power Users and Consumers, specifying the actions each role can perform within a DataApp. It covers access levels for creating, editing, and interacting with DataApps, ensuring clarity on user capabilities at a granular level. However, permissions for the Consumer role are entirely dependent on the settings configured by a Power User or Admin for each DataApp.
For more information, refer to Settings tab of a DataApp.
Access to other platform features
DataApps card page
DataApps list page
Create/import DataApp
Edit DataApp
Delete DataApp
Config and consumption of memory by the DataApp
Copy Share link
Open in a new tab
Global search for DataApps
View logs
Consumer Preview
Download code
Shutdown and relaunch DataApp
Change the branding options or appearance
Edit chat
Delete chat
Create chat
Add generated chart output to User Charts tab
Remove added chart output from the User Charts tab
Access to ask queries
Access to deleted queries in chat history
Select input from a chat thread
Configure Consumer Permission Toggles in DataApps
Create queries that appear as prompt suggestions in the query box
Copy same chat multiple times
View DataApp related notifications
Navigate to the recipe or project page from the links on the DataApp card or list view page
Global search (All DataApps)
Last updated