Importing Text Files from the Local System
Use this procedure to import text files from the local system on which you want to perform predictions and generate a modelling pipeline.
To import the text file from the local system:
Click the project to which you want to upload the file. The Canvas page is displayed.
Click the plus icon and select Text to navigate to the Create New File page.
By default, the project name is populated in the Project field.
Select the source from where you want to upload. By default, File Import is selected.
You can either upload the file from the local system or create a new connection using +New Connection to import files from external data connectors. For more information, see Connect to data connectors.
Supported file formats:
Connector types supported: Amazon S3, Azure Blob Storage, and Google Cloud Platform
After establishing the connection and importing the files, the imported files are populated in this drop-down list.
Select the Mode to upload the file. Possible options:
Single file import – Import a single file onto the canvas.
Segregate – Upload multiple files together onto the canvas as separate files.
Select Single file Import.
Click Import Files from Local to browse and upload the file from your local system.
Click Import. Once the file is imported, you can view the file name and file size.
You can now see the data in the file by clicking the Open Text Input option. This takes you to the Data page to view the data.
Click Done. Once the file is added, you are redirected to the Canvas view page where you can see the uploaded file node.
Viewing the File Information
Use this procedure to view the file information.
To view data:
Select the text block that you have uploaded onto the canvas. This opens the side sheet.
Click Preview to navigate to the Data page.
View the data within the text file you have uploaded on the Data tab.
Click the Source tab.
Review the Source details:
Source Type: The type of source from which the file was imported.
File Names: The name of the file.
Updated on: The date on which the file was last updated.
Audit History: Click Audit History to check the log of user activities. Each entry includes the user who performed the action, the type of action performed, and the timestamp.
Actions on the Data View Page:
Click the plus (+) icon to perform the following actions:
Update file – Replace the existing file with a new file.
Template – Select a template recipe to run on the file data.
Code – Select a code recipe to run on the file data.
Click the Actions drop-down to:
Export the file – Use the Export as Markdown option to export the file in the format you uploaded it.
Delete the file – Remove the file and associated recipes with the dataset using the Delete option.
Last updated