May 15, 2024
New Features
Following are the new features introduced in this release:
Introduced duplicate projects functionality You can now duplicate projects by copying the components of an existing project within the same or a different tenant.
Note that:
All the duplicate projects are created in the default environment.
Upon duplication, all components, including DataApps, prediction services, and environments, are copied. You can view all the DataApps and prediction services from the source project and select the ones you want to add to the duplicate project.
Upon importing components into the new project, they will initially be in an unbuilt state. For datasets imported via local files, you can use the 'Add file' option to upload the dataset. This option becomes visible when you right-click on the dataset block. Similarly, datasets imported through connectors can be reloaded. You can view this option by right-clicking the dataset block on the canvas.
When you run the duplicate project, all the components in the data pipeline will be assigned a new name.
Note that Fivetran connectors are not supported in the copy project feature.
The enhancements made to the existing functionalities include:
Support for SQL Based In house Connectors in dataset output sync and Project job destinations
MySQL, Redshift, Mongo are now available to be used as destinations for exporting outputs in canvas and in job runs
The Append and Replace options are now available in the destination side panel, exclusively visible for the MySQL connector and Redshift
Selecting the Append option appends the output dataset to the existing one if both share the same schema. Alternatively, choosing Replace replaces the old dataset with the new one.
The destination drop-down menu to display only the connectors you've configured, excluding Fivetran connectors and Snowflake.
For MongoDB, if the provided collection name already exists, the new dataset will be appended to the existing collection.
Design Improvements – Phase V
Implemented new theme changes for various platform components, including scenarios, segments, create dialogs in artifacts, cancel dialog screens, and add file dialogs.
Expect ongoing design enhancements across other modules in the coming weeks.
Rapid Model Recipe Enhancements
The following are the enhancements made to rapid model recipe:
The platform now auto-detects the problem type when the user selects the target column in the dataset.
The Binary Experimental problem type has been removed from the list. If you wish to utilize this option, you can enable the dynamic features toggle and provide the necessary business context.
Additionally, the Freeze Columns field has been added to the advanced output section, preventing the platform from dropping or manipulating the selected columns during the data pre-processing phase in the rapid model recipe.
Ask AI on Database
Users can now directly use AskAI functionality to query on the database and get appropriate responses.
Extended react app support for Multiclass classification
React app now handles machine learning models created involving multiclass classification problems.
Evergreen Checkbox in DataApps
Added an evergreen checkbox in the Configuration & Consumption side panel of DataApps, allowing users to keep DataApps running indefinitely or shut them down after a specified period.
Consolidated API Errors
Multiple API errors resulting from the same issue are now consolidated into a single error message, improving clarity and reducing redundancy on the UI.
Enhancements in Data View
The Data View now combines the schema and sample tabs, with data types displayed under each column for improved accessibility.
Users can now perform various actions on columns, such as hiding, sorting, and searching, enhancing data exploration capabilities. Please note that any of these actions you perform on the dataset will be reset once the page is refreshed or when the session ends.
DataApp AskAI Enhancements
Users can now collapse and expand text responses in AskAI, providing greater control over the display of results.
File Upload Progress Bar Colour Change
The progress bar colour in the File Upload page of Prediction jobs now changes to violet to align with the rest of the UI theme, offering clearer visual feedback during file uploads.
Last updated