Dec 12, 2023
New Features
New User Role
Introducing a new user role that offers full application access minus admin capabilities.
Clickable Job Run Entries
Enhance your navigation with clickable icons for the last five job run entries on the Jobs page, leading directly to the corresponding entry canvas.
New Message Screens
Experience improved user interfaces with new message screens across the platform for various scenarios like no entities, access denial, page errors, and specific entity access issues.
Enhanced Jobs Functionality
Jobs dashboard now shows active and inactive job cards, with easy access to job history, edit, and delete functions.
Notice a revamped job interface with an improved canvas view, new republish options, and a relocated global variables button.
Three new columns in the Jobs Run History page for better project insights.
Custom Environment Inactivity Timer
Configure the inactivity time for custom environments to optimize resource utilization.
Updated Charts
Improved charts layout with updated table views
AI-Assisted Recipe Improvements
Enhanced filtering options for output dataset records and seamless integration of these datasets in subsequent prompts for AI-assisted or code recipes.
Resolved Issues
Column Name Display Issue: Fixed empty value display for dot-containing column names.
Segment Data Display for Custom Scenarios: Ensured visibility of segment data in custom scenario jobs.
Automatic Row Detail Updates: Improved consistency when adding files to datasets.
File Appending in Datasets: Ensured consideration of appended datasets and added warning dialog.
Recipe Name Display in Transformations: Addressed the issue of null names in transformations.
Renamed Recipe Side Panel Datasets: Input and output datasets in the recipe side panel are now 'inputs' and 'outputs'.
Job Creation and Republishing Rules: Established rules based on project canvas recipe status.
Dataset Deletion and Job Republishing: Enabled 'add destination' functionality post dataset deletion and job republishing.
Scenario Change Error in Jobs: Resolved issues with manual job runs after scenario changes.
Global Variable Updates in Jobs: Corrected the display of updated global variable values.
Entity Reference Error Message: Improved error messaging for data fetching in job canvas.
User Interface
Fixed Side Panel View Failures: Addressed issues in side panel views of various modules.
Logs Button in Recipe Error Messages: Added logs button for enhanced error troubleshooting.
Job Creation Requirement: Clarified the need for at least one recipe for job creation.
Last updated