Jan 16, 2024
New Features
Dataapp for Binary Classification RapidModel Recipe
Now create Dataapps directly from the UI for Binary classification in RapidModel recipes. These apps feature comprehensive tools like feature importance, model performance, what-if analysis, and a prediction service.
AI-Assisted Recipe Upgrades
Interactive Charts: Transitioned from static image charts to interactive ones, allowing users to engage with the charts and download them.
Improved Error Messages: Enhanced error messaging for better issue debugging.
Refined Prompts: Updated prompts for improved output quality and accuracy.
DataApps Edit Functionality
Edit Option: Introduced the ability to edit DataApp details from both card and list views.
Advanced Jobs Functionality
Dataset Download: Facilitated downloading of input and output datasets from the last job run via a dialog on the jobs listing page.
Data Viewing: Added hyperlinks to view data in output and input datasets, directing to the Data view page.
Search Function in Rapid Model Recipe
Target Column Search: Simplified target column selection with a new search feature in the dropdown list.
AI-Assisted Recipe Snippets
Default Code Syntax: Added a default code syntax in the Snippets dropdown to aid in data transformation logic.
Data Connectors Update
New Columns: Added Projects and Status columns in the list view for better tracking and status visibility.
Active Status Requirement: Enforced data import only when the data connector status is active.
Security Measure in Tenant Settings
Masked Auth Token: Enhanced security by masking the Auth token to prevent exposure.
Design Overhauls
Progress Bar for Artifact Upload: Visual progress indicator added on the Create Artifact screen.
Jobs Module Redesign: Revamped layout with an expanded canvas section and a new Destination button.
Aligned Fields in Data Connector Cards: Improved visual alignment and field naming.
AI-Assisted Recipe Page Update: Enabled the Run button only after dataset selection and query provision, along with added tooltips.
Increased File Size Limits: Expanded limits for file size and total files on the Create New Dataset screen. You can now upload a maximum file size of 5GB and up to 25 files.
Detailed Tooltip for RE-RUN Button: Enhanced tooltip on the Jobs History page for clarity.
Standardized Record Display: Defaulted to showing 100 records in output datasets post-query in AI-assisted recipes.
Unified Design for Logs: Harmonized color schemes in logs side panels across environments and data apps.
Ordered Data and Schema Tabs: Streamlined display of data type in the same order as dataset columns.
Last updated