Auto ML Binary class

This transform will use the selected algorithm (XGBoost, GBM, RandomForest, or Ensemble) to create models for classification problem in a dataset and returns the data with model metrics and prediction.


The table gives a brief description about each parameter in Auto ML Binary class transform.


By default, the transform name is populated. You can also add a custom name for the transform.

Train dataset:

The train dataset for binary classification.

Test dataset:

The test dataset used for binary classification.

Target column:

The column on which predictions are made.

Build Platform:

The platform used for creating models. By default, H20 is used. This creates multiple models.


The algorithm used to create models.


The maximum number of models you can use on the test data to validate the model performance.

Output Model Performance:

The file name with which the output is created. This file contains the model metrics.

Output Model prediction:

The file name with which the output is created with the model predictions.

Sample input for Auto ML binary class transform:


The output after running the Auto ML Binary class transform on the dataset appears as below for model performance:


The output for model prediction:


The dashboard output appears as below:


How to use it in Notebook

The following is the code snippet you must use in the Jupyter Notebook editor to run the **Auto ML Binary class**transform:

transform = Transform() = "automl binary classification"
transform.templateId =
transform.variables = {
    "targetCol": targetCol,
    "outputModelPerformance": "model_performance",
    "outputModelPredictions": "model_prediction",
recipe_auto_ml = project.addRecipe([train_w_fs, test_w_fs], name="auto_ml")
#recipe_auto_ml.prepareForLocal(transform, contextId="recipe_auto_ml")